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[EFC Blue Ribbon - Free Speech Online]

News and Commentary from the Kansas City Area
March 14, 2025

The Way I See It:

Smile: You May be on Camera:-) .......[c]2006 by Richard L Zorek....11.20.06....... If you plan on comitting a crime in a high crime area of Kansas City, you might be advised to at least take a shower and clean up a bit, because you might be on camera. If the startup money can be raised, police in Kansas City and Kansas City, Kan., plan to test the use of surveillance cameras in high-crime areas. The one-year pilot program is designed to test if the cameras help reduce crime and can function in the area's changing weather conditions. If it proves successful......crime in those areas may go down. Then, it will go up in other areas? Where do criminals go when they can't get away with committing a crime?

A Modest Health Care Proposal: .......[c]2006 by Richard L Zorek....11.20.06....... As with any new legislation, the cost of it is always the first....or at least should be....the first to be considered. Granted, health care for everyone could get expensive. But, it is a necessary thing. There are too many people who have "fallen through the cracks" and are sick and or even dying because of lack of health care. So, America needs to set it priorities straight. A new budget needs to be made. With a few cuts and changes we can easily come up with the health care budget.

First, cut the number of Senators from 100 to 25 or 30. Every state can share one. North and South Dakota, and North and South Carolina, for example. And those little states in the Northeast may even be able to do with one for three states. That will get a lot of needless weight off the government payroll. Drop the number of representatives down to 50: one for each state. It's not like very many of them actually listen to their districts, anyway. This will give them a whole state not to listen to. That will cut out a whole lot of payroll. Get rid of the Vice President position. It's an honorary position and we really dont need a paid "yes-man" for the president. Cut the Supreme Court down to two: One very liberal and the other very conservative. The president can make a coin toss on the split decision. Congress will have to hire out of themselves to have a budget created. It has to be made by some company who doesnt have a vested interest. This, in itself, could save billions and billions of dollars and needless pork barrel projects. The savings on just these few suggestions will be astronomical. The extra money can be put into the new health care system. This to be done after an investigation is done to discover by what authority the medical community and pharmaceutical companies have decided to overcharge people for their "costs." Price gougers in that field will be punished severely.....and yes, I mean they will not be allowed to have access to any health care.

Blame Playstation 3? Or the Gamers? .......[c]2006 by Richard L Zorek....11.19.06....... Is it the video game that is violent? Or just the crowds it atracts? In Connecticut, two armed thugs tried to rob of line of people waiting to buy the new Playstation 3 gaming console early Friday and shot one who refused to give up the money, authorities said. No word on the victim's condition. In Palmdale, Calif., authorities shut down a Super Wal-Mart after some shoppers got rowdy late Wednesday. In West Bend, Wis., a 19-year-old man was injured when he ran into a pole racing with 50 others for one of 10 spots outside a Wal-Mart. In Lexington, Ky., police were investigating a drive-by shooting that hit four people with BB pellets outside a Best Buy store, causing minor injuries, according to WKYT, whose own reporter was hit as she interviewed buyers in line. This was not for food or shelter, this was for Playstation.

Dixie Chick Martyr Syndrome .......[c]2006 by Richard L Zorek....11.17.06....... Remember the good old days? I mean back in the day when the Dixie Chicks were just talented performers. I think "Wide Open Spaces" and "Fly" were a couple of my favorite country CDs. Then Natalie Maines spoke her mind about the President Bush in England. Lots of controversy...yadda yadda yadda. Now they aided in the release of a movie about themselves called "Shut Up and Sing." It draws heavily on their personal martyr syndrome, which clearly doesnt need to be fed any more than it has been. If you like music, like I do, they aren't fun anymore. Just a group who will carry their martyrdom for as long as they can and they will drive it through their music. Had Natalie wanted to become a political speaker, she should have done that first. Then, after that failed, become a country singer. Then maybe there would be some enjoyable music. Now it is clear what they will be propagating and they are going to have to go after the wider demographic, so don't be surprised if some of the "country" gives way to "pop." Now I dont care if they shut up or not or sing.......there are better artists out there who arent trying to make a buck by selling a CD and a self absorbed philosophy.

Committee Of The Apes .......[c]2006 by Richard L Zorek....11.17.06....... A report from a Missouri House committee suggests that illegal immigration is partly the results of abortion and a "welfare culture." This was written by a Republican led committee. The Democrats on the committee find that ridiculous and won't sign it. They want another report to show that it it is not a result of abortion and "welfare culture." The committee could have done a real investigation on it, but they did not do that for fear it might come up with some answer that one party might not like. The truth of the issue is irrelevant on this, or any point in committee for that matter, it is just how the answer can be swung to support your party. Now, let me think. What was the name of that ape that had the caves destroyed at the end of "The Planet of the Apes" movie because the truth did not support his theories?

Beware the Blight! .......[c]2006 by Richard L Zorek....11.16.06....... Independence City leaders have announced a new plan to combat blight in the northwest part of Independence where they say property values continue to decline. It's called the Great Northwest Independence Neighborhood Initiative. Better watch out if you live in that area. The last time the city council called something "blight," they built a hospital on it.

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The rich man's wealth is his strong city, the destruction of the poor is his poverty"...Proverbs 10:15